
 Painting by Sebastian Bieniek

 Sebastian Bieniek (B1EN1EK) is an artist who started his career at the Kunsthaus Tacheles 1998.
He workes with painting, conceptual art and photography.

Sebastian Bieniek LIVES!

His death was an Art Performance.

See datails!

NEWS 2024


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DZDSD Podcast von Sebastian Bieniek  auf deutsch (Die Zeichnung Die Sich Dreht)

2024/4 (No. 31 of all) 

Numerous series united under the "Two-Faced" name!

june 20th, 2024

„Two-Faced No. 10“ by Sebastian Bieniek, 2018. Oil on canvas, 80 cm. x 60 cm., before also titeled

„Two-Faced No. 10“ by Sebastian Bieniek, 2018. Oil on canvas, 80 cm. x 60 cm., before also titeled "Frameface no. 1"

For a better overview since 2024 several series like the "Threeeye", "Facation", "Omniface", "Frameface" and other series working with theme of "Two-Faced" are integrated into the "Two-Faced" series, which is also the name of the oeuvre.

The numbering of the series is sometimes not chronological.

More paintings from the "111 Faces" series (no. 28-no. 36) of 111 potrait paintings was for the very first time on this website published!

The series was created during five years, from 2016 to 2021. All paintings have the same size of 30 cm. x 24 cm.

The paintings are mostly made gestural, which means that the painter painted what came into his mind without thinking about it until he found the face he was looking for.

„Face no. 31“, by Sebastian Bieniek of 111 Faces

„Face no. 31“, by Sebastian Bieniek (B1EN1EK), 2019. Oil on canvas. 30 x 24 cm. From the "Face 28-36" series of „111 Faces“ oeuvre.

2024/2 (No. 29 of all)

Podcast auf deutsch!

Podcast in German!

april 26th, 2024

Sebastian Bieniek, Die Zeichnung Die Sich Dreht (DZDSD) Podcast auf deutsch

PREMIERE AM 06.06.2024 (auf deutsch)!!! DZDSD - Die Zeichnung Die Sich Dreht von Sebastian Bieniek! Geplant ist ein ca. einstündiges gesprochenes Podcast, dass dann wöchentlich erscheint. Immer am Donnerstag.


Sebastian Bieniek (born 1975) is a German director, artist, playwright and writer, born in Czarnowasy (Poland) and then moved to Germany, where he still lives and works today.

I have always been intrigued & fascinated by the work of Sebastian Bieniek, intrigued by his curiosity in which I read and see my curiosity, restlessness, inability to remain with the same thought and always in continuous search, cloning, of other and distant mixtures and admixtures that smell of color and they dirty each other with different and similar means and ways and create changing and elusive identities, in a continuous change, evolution, return to one's own self which is the self made of deafening noise and introverted and autistically linear silence. Involution which is revolution of imagining oneself multiform and deformed.

Sebastian Bieniek's play with the images is to overturn the temporal dimension in a kaleidoscopic void in which each image renews and reinvents itself by tele-transporting itself into new and sparkling and desolate lives made of dust and stars of lights and red dots and very black. Infinite repetition and infinitely different and always the same in the thousand smiling and different feelings.

Almost as if it were a mortal embrace to be reborn as an animal and a dream, a bolt and a cell phone. In infinite streams, whispers, sounds near and far away.

It is the experience that is a jolt, an urgent and finely philosophical necessity, a feeling that hides and reveals itself in timid flashes and hides immediately after revealing its horrid and wonderful colorless gaze.

(Original in italian language)

Link (source)

Sebastian Bieniek, Künstler, Artist, Berlin, Kunst, art, painter, Gemälde

Sebastian Bieniek, 2015

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